The United Nations became operational in Nepal over half a century ago, when the Food and Agriculture Organization opened its office in 1951. Since then, an additional 23 UN agencies, funds and programmes have opened offices, the latest being the UN Office of Disarmament Affairs which opened its Regional Centre for Peace & Disarmament in August 2008. The World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the International Monetary Fund also have missions in Nepal and participate in the UNCT.
The UNCT is an important development partner in Nepal. It is committed to ensure development results that bring positive change in Nepali people’s life. The UNCT’s common objective is to deliver coherent, effective and efficient support to Nepal in achieving the Millennium Development Goals and other national and internationally agreed goals. The UN’s work in Nepal aims to ensure programme excellence, good practice and compliance to global policies.
About 2155 (1859 national and 296 international) dedicated UN staff members provide their expertise and services in support of achieving the UNCT’s objectives. The UNCT (excluding the IFIs) mobilized approximately USD 206 million in development and humanitarian assistance in 2011 and expects to spend about USD 259 million in 2012.
FAO - 1951 |
Food and Agriculture Organization
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Nepal became member of FAO on 21 November 1951. Between 1967 and 2003, some 160 projects and programmes covering various aspects of agriculture such as policies and legislations, crop diversification, vegetable production, dairy farming, small farmer development, aquaculture, community and leasehold forestry development, marketing and post harvest management, empowerment of women and participatory watershed management have been implemented in the country. At present FAO is co-operating with various agencies of Nepal through 9 ongoing projects and programme covering such areas as: integrated pest management, olive production and processing, fodder oat technologies, transboundry animal diseases, plant quarantine and review of agricultural policies and legislation. FAO is co-operating with Government of Nepal in operationalising the Agriculture Perspective Plan (APP), which was approved in 1995 and covers up to the year 2015.
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1. Nepal documents:
2. Global repository:
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IFAD - 1978 |
International Fund for Agriculture Development
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IFAD’s goal in Nepal is to empower poor rural women and men to achieve higher incomes and improved food security and it’s objectives, mandated to work with the poorest population in rural areas, are to: i) eliminate hunger and poverty; ii) enhance food security; iii) raise productivity and incomes; and iv) improve the quality of life. Nepal became a member of the IFAD in 1978 and was among the first countries to benefit from the Fund. The main strategic thrusts of the IFAD financed projects in Nepal are poverty alleviation and improvement of household food and income security of the rural poor especially the rural women, the landless, the indigenous groups and small and marginal farmers from the disadvantaged areas of the country. Integrated Rural Development Project (in Sagarmatha), effective from November 1979 with a loan amount of US $ 11.5 million was the starting point of economic co-operation between Nepal and IFAD. Since then, IFAD has financed altogether 15 projects of which 10 projects are completed and 5 projects are in ongoing phase. Since 1978, IFAD has provided a total of US$ 115.0 million in loans for 12 projects and has also provided technical assistance.
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ILO - 1966 |
International Labour Organization
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Nepal joined the ILO in 1966. The ILO activities and programmes in Nepal are concentrated on the following major areas: i) poverty alleviation through employment promotion; ii) improvement of industrial relations and labour administration; iii) elimination of child and bonded labour; and iv) improvement of working conditions, occupational safety and health at work places and promotion of social protection. Gender mainstreaming is a key strategy for gender equality. The following ILO-executed programmes are ongoing in Nepal: Time Bound Programme (TBP) on the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour ; Prevention of HIV/AIDS in the World of Work in Nepal ; Capacity Building of Employers’ Organizations in Productivity and Competitiveness; Sustainable Elimination of Bonded Labour in Nepal; Combating Child Trafficking for Labour and Sexual Exploitation; Extending Social Protection to Workers in the Informal Economy; Community Action for the Elimination of Child (bonded) Labour from Exploitative and Hazardous Work.
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IOM - 2006 |
International Organization for Migration
Web: |
Established in 1951, International Organization for Migration (IOM) is the leading Intergovernmental Organization in the field of migration management. IOM’s global work is largely categorized into four main areas of migration management, encompassing: 1) migration and development; 2) facilitating migration; 3) regulating migration; 4) forced migration. Its cross cutting activities include promotion of international migration law, policy debate and guidance, protection of migrant's rights, migration health and the gender dimension of migration. With a membership of 147 countries to its council, IOM acts with its partners in governments, civil society and the international community to: Assist in meeting the growing operational challenges of migration management; Advance understanding of migration issues; Encourage social and economic development through migration; Uphold the human dignity and well-being of migrants. IOM established its presence in Nepal following assumption of its membership on the IOM council in October 2006. In 2007, the Govenment of Nepal and IOM signed a memorandum of understanding, and since then IOM has expanded its range of migration management services in close partnership with the Government of Nepal to develop balanced national migration policies.
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OHCHR - 2005
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
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The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was established on December 14, 1950 by the United Nations General Assembly. The agency is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems worldwide. Its primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees. It strives to ensure that everyone can exercise the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another State, with the option to return home voluntarily, integrate locally or to resettle in a third country. In more than five decades, the agency has helped an estimated 50 million people restart their lives. Today, a staff of around 6,689 people in 116 countries continues to help 20.8 million persons.
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Joint United Nations Programme om HIV/AIDS
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UNAIDS Programme enhances the joint UN action at country and regional level to support the national HIV/AIDS response. In order to achieve that, UNAIDS thrieves to increase the UN system capacity for a coherent and expanded response and mainstream HIV/AIDS into UN development instruments. It works on a harmonized, multi-sectoral response under one national programme, coordinated by one national authority, and having one monitoring and evaluation framework. Furthermore, UNAIDS gives support to programming scale up by engaging broad partnerships in prevention and treatment, care and support programmes and by supporting expanded targeted interventions for most at risk populations, especially migrants and IDUs. UNAIDS also facilitates the provision of technical support. It will support the National HIV/AIDS Programme and partners for accessing and managing technical assistance and through technical resource facilities it will support a functional Technical Advisory Group within the framework of the UN implementation of the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. It works with civil society organizations, including people living with HIV/AIDS.
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UNCDF - 2008 |
United Nations Capital Development Fund
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Established in 1966 by the United Nations General Assembly as a special purpose organization primarily for small-scale investment in the poorest countries, UNCDF has come in recent years through intense and far-reaching changes. As a result, today, UNCDF works to help reduce poverty by piloting small-scale investments in two areas of concentration: local governance and microfinance. While the UNCDF investment portfolio is concentrated on a selected number of Least Developed Countries1, its technical advisory services can be accessed universally on a cost recovery basis. UNCDF is a member of the UNDP Group, is represented at the country level by the UNDP Resident Representative and reports to the UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board. UNCDF’s capacities in microfinance were strengthened in 1999 by the UNDP Administrator’s decision to locate the Special Unit for Microfinance (SUM) within UNCDF. Prior to September 1999, SUM was a joint partnership between the Bureau for Development Policy (BDP) in UNDP and UNCDF. SUM continues to support UNDP’s microfinance portfolio, including those countries outside of UNCDF’s geographic focus. In December 2001, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between UNCDF and UNDP’s Bureau for Development Policy, spelling out the advisory support services that UNCDF provides to UNDP country offices and programme countries worldwide.
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UNDP - 1963 |
United Nations Development Programme
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Fighting poverty through sustainable human development is UNDP’s number one priority in Nepal . When the organisation established its office in Kathmandu in 1963, Nepal had just opened its door to the world only a decade earlier. UNDP was one of the first donor agencies to support projects in infrastructure, irrigation and power. UNDP’s Country Cooperation Framework (CCF II 2002-2006) outlines comprehensive objectives for poverty alleviation for fulfilling national targets of reducing poverty by 20% by 2010 and the Millennium Development Goal of halving poverty by 2015. UNDP addresses poverty alleviation through supporting development projects in five main target areas: Democratic Governance; Pro-poor Policies and Sustainable Livelihoods; Gender Equality and Social Development; Environment and Energy; Conflict Prevention and Recovery. Cross-cutting areas such as HIV/AIDS is being tackled by UNDP in Nepal working closely with the government, local bodies, NGOs, Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and private partners.
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United Nations Department of Safety and Security
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The goal of the UN Security Management System is to enable effective and efficient conduct of UN activities while ensuring the Safety, Security and wellbeing of staff members as a high priority.
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UNESCO - 1998 |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNESCO Kathmandu Office was established in 1998 upon conclusion of the agreement with His Majesty’s Government of Nepal. Its programme priority areas are Education and Culture. Under Education, it provides technical assistance to support the Education for All (EFA) movement in Nepal , with particular emphasis on gender equality in education and literacy and non-formal education through community-based lifelong learning programmes. UNESCO also supports the Ministry of Education and Sports by strengthening its Education Management and Information Systems (EMIS). UNESCO’s Cultural activities include the preservation of cultural heritage – both tangible and intangible — the promotion of cultural diversity, and the development of cultural/eco tourism. Additionally, UNESCO promotes and provides technical support for intellectual cooperation in poverty reduction, environmental protection, human rights protection, and sustainable development. It further provides Information Communication Technology (ICT) for community development.
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UNFPA - 1971 |
United Nations Population Fund
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The overall goal of the UNFPA’s Country Programme of support to Nepal is to contribute to reducing poverty and improving the quality of life of the people of Nepal . Under the Fifth Country Programme (2002-2006), The UNFPA strives to contribute to a higher quality of life for the Nepali people by promoting improved reproductive health and a balance between population dynamics and socio-economic development. Advocacy for RH and population concerns, HIV/AIDS and gender are crosscutting issues reflected in all activities. In the Fifth Country Programme, the UNFPA supports Nepal through projects targeting to strengthen the Department of Health Services at the central level for the promotion and delivery of RH Services, to improve access to quality of RH services to women, men and adolescents, including prevention of HIV/AIDS.
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UNHCR - 2007 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
The High Commissioner for Refugees is mandated by the United Nations to lead and coordinate international action for the worldwide protection of refugees and the resolution of refugee problems. UNHCR's primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees. In its efforts to achieve this objective, the Office strives to ensure that everyone can exercise the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another State, and to return home voluntarily. By assisting refugees to return to their own country or to settle permanently in another country, UNHCR also seeks lasting solutions to their plight. UNHCR's Executive Committee and the UN General Assembly have authorized involvement with other groups. These include former refugees who have returned to their homeland; internally displaced persons; and people who are stateless or whose nationality is disputed.
The Office seeks to reduce situations of forced displacement by encouraging states and other institutions to create conditions which are conducive to the protection of human rights and the peaceful resolution of disputes. In all of its activities, it pays particular attention to the needs of children and seeks to promote the equal rights of women and girls. The Office works in partnership with governments, regional organizations, international and non-governmental organizations. It is committed to the principle of participation, believing that refugees and others who benefit from the organization's activities should be consulted over decisions which affect their lives.
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UNIC - 1964 |
United Nations Information Center
Web (UN Digital Repository in Nepal):
The United Nations advocates the public's right to know -- the rights of all citizens to the knowledge of its complex global agenda to promote the interlocking and mutually reinforcing goals of its efforts: peace, development, democracy, social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom. UNIC in Nepal is the body charged with the responsibility of public information dissemination concerning these issues and of promoting an informed understanding among people of Nepal of these global imperatives and the role of the United Nations in dealing with them. UNIC thus assumes a particularly significant and unique responsibility in the public information area. UNIC operates a UN library facility that contain, among other publications, UN General Assembly documents, political documents and resolutions. UN documents on peace, political developments and resolutions. Documents on economic and social development, international law and disputes. UN Secretary General's reports. UN Agency reports and promotional materials in their specialised areas of competence. Posters, pamphlets and promotional materials are also available.
UNICEF - 19 64 |
United Nations Children's Fund
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UNICEF is the driving force that helps build a world where the rights of every child are realized. We have the global authority to influence decision-makers, and the variety of partners at grassroots level to turn the most innovative ideas into reality. That makes us unique among world organizations, and unique among those working with the young. We believe that nurturing and caring for children are the cornerstones of human progress. UNICEF was created with this purpose in mind – to work with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination place in a child’s path. We believe that we can, together, advance the cause of humanity. We work in 191 countries through country programmes and National Committees.
Publication Source:
1. Global Virtual Library:
2. Press Centre:
United Nations Habitat
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-Habitat, is the United Nations agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), established in 1978, is the lead agency within the UN system for coordinating activities in the field of human settlement development. The organization's mandate is outlined in the Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlements, Habitat Agenda, Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements, the Declaration on Cities and Other Human Settlements in the New Millennium, and Resolution 56/206. UN-Habitat's work is directly related to the United Nations Millennium Declaration, particularly the goals of member States to improve the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers by the year 2020, Target 11, Millennium Development Goal No. 7, and Target 10 which calls for the reduction by half of the number without sustainable access to safe drinking water. It also serves as the focal point for monitoring progress on implementation of the Habitat Agenda - the global plan of action adopted at the Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II), held in Istanbul, Turkey in 1996.
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UNMIN - 2007 |
United Nations Mission In Nepal
Web: (absolute web)
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The United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) is a special political mission established by the United Nations Security Council, Resolution 1740, to support the peace process in Nepal: in particular, to assist in the conduct of the Constituent Assembly election in a free and fair atmosphere. UNMIN was established in response to requests by the Seven-Party Alliance Government and the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), in their letters to the Secretary-General of 9 August 2006 in which they asked the UN to assist in creating a free and fair atmosphere for the election of the Constituent Assembly and the entire peace process. The parties went on to sign the Comprehensive Peace Agreement on 21 November 2006, and UNMIN officially began its work on 23 January 2007 with the adoption of Resolution 1740. Before UNMIN was established, from August 2006, the United Nations assisted the parties to the peace process through the Office of the Personal Representative of the Secretary-General. For a number of years the Secretary-General of the United Nations had been closely engaged, through the UN’s Department of Political Affairs, in efforts to encourage a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Nepal. Mr Ian Martin is the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Nepal, and is the head of UNMIN.
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UNOCHA - 2005 |
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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In 2005, OCHA established its office in Nepal considering the potentiality of a humanitarian crisis in the country, whilst the UN Resident Coordinator was appointed also Humanitarian Coordinator (HC). Through field offices in Nepalgunj and Biratnagar, OCHA assists the HC, the UN system, the Nepal Government and the international community to work effectively together in assessing and monitoring the needs of the most vulnerable and in making sure they receive adequate assistance.
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United Nations Regional Center for Peace and Disarmament
UN General Assembly resolution A/42/39D of 30 November 1987: to provide, on request, substantive support for initiatives and other activities, mutually agreed upon by the Member States of the Asia Pacific region, for the implementation of measures for peace and disarmament, and to coordinate the implementation of regional activities in Asia and the Pacific.
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United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) was established in 1997 as part of the UN reform combining the previous United Nations Drug Control Programme and the Center for International Crime Prevention. The office is committed to achieving health, security and justice for all by tackling threats from illicit drugs, organised crime and terrorism worldwide. The UNODC Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA) is located in New Delhi covering six countries in the region: India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, the Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka. The UNODC-ROSA assists states in developing strategies to address crime, drugs and corruption, with particular emphasis on assisting vulnerable groups.In Nepal, currently UNODC’s technical cooperation programme comprises specific interventions on HIV prevention, care and support for drug users (male and female) and in prisons. It also supports the government in the implementation of elements of the comprehensive package for HIV prevention as well as capacity-building in drug law enforcement through a regional programme.
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United Nations Volunteers
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The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that contributes to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide. Volunteerism is a powerful means of engaging people in tackling development challenges, and it can transform the pace and nature of development. Volunteerism benefits both society at large and the individual volunteer by strengthening trust, solidarity and reciprocity among citizens, and by purposefully creating opportunities for participation. UNV contributes to peace and development by advocating for recognition of volunteers, working with partners to integrate volunteerism into development programming, and mobilizing an increasing number and diversity of volunteers, including experienced UN Volunteers, throughout the world. UNV embraces volunteerism as universal and inclusive, and recognizes volunteerism in its diversity as well as the values that sustain it: free will, commitment, engagement and solidarity. Based in Bonn, Germany, UNV is active in around 130 countries every year. UNV, with Field Units in 86 countries, is represented worldwide through the offices of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and reports to the UNDP Executive Board.
Youtube: N/A
UNWomen - 2012
United Nations Women
UN Women is mandated to be a lead driver and lead voice advocating for gender equality and women’s empowerment globally. It is a dynamic and strong champion for women and girls, providing them with a powerful voice at the global, regional and local levels. UN Women works with UN partners at the regional and country levels to ensure that demand for technical expertise from national partners and regional organizations are met. At the country level, it provides technical and financial support to national partners, helping them to develop the ability to address their priority challenges. UN Women supports UN Country Teams to strengthen and coordinate action on gender equality. It will enhance, not replace, efforts by other parts of the UN system, which will continue to have responsibility to work for gender equality and women’s empowerment in their areas of expertise.
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World Bank
The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. We are not a bank in the common sense. We are made up of two unique development institutions owned by 184 member countries—the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA). Each institution plays a different but supportive role in our mission of global poverty reduction and the improvement of living standards. The IBRD focuses on middle income and creditworthy poor countries, while IDA focuses on the poorest countries in the world. Together we provide low-interest loans, interest-free credit and grants to developing countries for education, health, infrastructure, communications and many other purposes.
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World Food Programme
As the food aid arm of the UN, WFP uses its food to: meet emergency needs and support economic and social development. The Agency also provides the logistics support necessary to get food aid to the right people at the right time and in the right place. WFP works to put hunger at the centre of the international agenda, promoting policies, strategies and operations that directly benefit the poor and hungry.
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World Health Organization
The World Health Organization is the United Nations specialized agency for health. It was established on 7 April 1948. WHO’s objective, as set out in its Constitution, is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. Health is defined in WHO’s Constitution as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. WHO is governed by 193 Member States through the World Health Assembly. The Health Assembly is composed of representatives from WHO’s Member States. The main tasks of the World Health Assembly are to approve the WHO programme and the budget for the following biennium and to decide major policy questions.
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