United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
DIALOGUE about 4 results (0.0157 in miliseconds)  
Talking Points for Richard Bennett Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal Delivered at the Closing of the UNESCO/FNJ Conference Media & Dialogue 3 May 2009, Kathmandu IFJ’s annual report notes a growing trend of anti-media attitudes held by ordinary citizens throughout the region. These are people who the report says are frightened by insecurity and sceptical about the promise of positive change. They feel let dow...
UNOHCHR, (2009)
Diversity in Dialogue: Pledge and Checklist in Nepali An equal and inclusive society demands the inclusion of voices from all paths and experiences...
UN, (2021)
Diversity in Dialogue: Pledge and Checklist in English An equal and inclusive society demands the inclusion of voices from all paths and experiences...
UN, (2021)
Regional Earthquake Recovery Dialogue for Building Back Better This summary presents the lessons learnt during the dialogue, and a number of specific steps to be taken in the near future as a way forward. The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) along with SAARC Disaster...